There is a range of activity taking place in the NCSEM-EM that is closely aligned to the Olympic legacy of improving the nation’s health and wellbeing through sport, exercise and physical activity.
The building is home to academics and research students from Loughborough University’s School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences whose areas of interest fit closely with the vision of the NCSEM-EM.
Research, education, translation and clinical activity is taking place within the centres and research groups housed within the building.
Centre for Sport, Exercise and Osteoarthritis Versus Arthritis
The Centre for Sport, Exercise and Osteoarthritis Versus Arthritis works with sports representatives, patients, the public and carers to improve the understanding of the effects of sport and exercise on joint injury and osteoarthritis, looking at ways to prevent, assess and treat injury to reduce the risk of later osteoarthritis.
The centre is led by Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust in collaboration with Arthritis Research UK and a consortium of six universities: Nottingham, Oxford, Southampton, Bath, Loughborough and Leeds.
Leicester Biomedical Research Centre (BRC)
The Leicester BRC is at the frontier of research into illnesses linked to respiratory conditions, cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes, chronic kidney disease and the consequences of inactivity. Its overall purpose is to translate scientific breakthroughs in these areas into diagnostic tests, preventions and life-saving treatments for patients.
The Leicester Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) is a collaboration between Loughborough University, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust and the University of Leicester funded through an £11.6m grant from the National Institute for Health Research.
Peter Harrison Centre for Disability Sport (PHC)
The Peter Harrison Centre is an internationally renowned disability sport research centre focusing on three research themes:
- Enhancing performance through sport science
- Promoting psycho-social health and wellbeing among disabled people
- Maximising performance health
The centre aims to improve knowledge about Paralympic sport and to promote the health and wellbeing benefits of participating in disability sport and physical activity. The research aims to explore the physiological and technical aspects of disability sport and maximise the health of sports performers to optimise performance at the highest level. The research also looks at exercise and sports participation in rehabilitation and wider disability populations.
The Peter Harrison Centre is heavily involved in research at both elite performance and rehabilitative level and works with a number of GB squads, national and international partners and collaborators.
The NCSEM-EM is also the base for EMRAD (East Midlands Radiology Consortium), a group of representatives from seven East Midlands NHS Trusts looking at developing new systems for distributing X-rays and other medical images to improve the efficiency of diagnostic services in the region.