This study at Loughborough University is aiming to better understand the role of a practice swing in golf by assessing golfers of different abilities and their pre shot practice routines.
The study will firstly look to answer the question as to whether a practice swing is beneficial for golfers, and if so, if there are certain types of practice swing which are more beneficial than others. Additionally, the study will assess how more challenging shots, from different slopes, are affected by a pre shot practice swing.
This research will allow us to get a better idea of the use of a practice swing and may be used in future coaching with golfers of all abilities to aid performance.
Who can take part?
The study takes place at Loughborough University and is open to male golfers with a handicap of 15 or lower.
The testing takes around 2.5-3 hours in total and involves the participants having markers applied and taking a total of 72 recorded shots. The shots will be taken under different practice swing conditions, as well as from different slopes using their own 7 iron.
Want to get involved?
To take part, please complete the participation form and the research team will get in touch to arrange a testing slot.
Any questions?
If you have any questions or would like to know more please email Tom Hubbard (Lead Researcher) t.hubbard@lboro.ac.uk