Golfers have very different pre shot practice routines, some may take multiple full swings before hitting their shot, others may take their shot instantly – but does taking a practice swing actually help?
Researchers at Loughborough University are hoping to shed a light on the practice swing to see if it’s something golfers should be more aware of when developing their pre-shot routine. The questionnaire looks to gain an understanding of a range of topics, including what golfers of all ages and abilities include as part of their pre shot routine, how consistent they are, as well as how they view their practice swing.
Who can take part?
This questionnaire is open to all golfers provided you have a handicap. It only takes about 10 minutes to complete with most questions being multiple choice. There is no limit to the amount of responses so anyone can pass on to their friends or colleagues to reach as many people as possible.
By getting as many completed questionnaires back as possible it will give us a much better understanding of why the practice swing is performed, both generally but also across different abilities which could be invaluable information to golf coaches and players.
Want to get involved?
To complete the questionnaire please click on the below link, and remember, the more responses the better so please feel free to share this link.
Any questions?
If you have any questions or would like to know more please email Tom Hubbard (Lead Researcher) t.hubbard@lboro.ac.uk