This free, interactive webinar will support athletes to achieve a healthy body image during retirement. The event is part of a research project funded by the IOC Olympic Studies Centre.
The event will take place on Thursday 16th September and is being organised by Dr Anthony Papathomas, Senior Lecturer in Sport and Exercise Psychology at Loughborough University. The webinar will feature an international team of experts in applied sport psychology, body image and disordered eating.
The webinar will give athletes the opportunity to:
- Understand a variety of body image issues across retirement from sport
- Consider the dos and don’ts of coping with body changes during retirement
- Gain unique insights into the body image experiences of retired Olympians
- Share knowledge and experiences with other athletes.
Alongside Dr Papathomas attendees will also hear from Professor Trent Petrie, Professor of Psychology at the University of North Texas and Dr Karin Moesch, Researcher at Lund University.
If you are an athlete who is close to or new to retirement, or an athlete who is a forward planner and would like to attend this webinar please email Dr Anthony Papathomas a.papathomas@lboro.ac.uk to register your place.
Date: Thursday 16th September 2pm-5pm BST
Venue: online
Cost: free
Booking: email a.papathomas@lboro.ac.uk