European Sport Management Quarterly, is inviting academics to contribute to its upcoming COVID-19 special edition.
Professor Paul Downward of Loughborough University’s School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences who edits the journal, has commissioned a special issue which is guested edited by Loughborough University London’s Institute for Sport Business’ colleagues Professor James Skinner and Professor Aaron C.T Smith. The edition will look at the impact of the global pandemic across all aspects of sport.
Contributions are welcome from across all settings (e.g. professional sport, community sport, and personal recreation and exercise), exploring all outcomes (e.g. health and well-being, social connectedness, employment, and human capital) and connected with personal, leadership, organisational, management and resourcing issues.Authors are invited to examine conceptually, empirically, and theoretically, these impacts and future implications of COVID-19 on sport. Possible discussion topics could include:
The impact, and/or future consequences, of COVID-19 on:
- particular sports and events.
- media broadcasters.
- sponsors and sponsorship.
- managing the tension between the economic impact of COVID-19 and the social and ethical responsibilities of sport organisations.
- the constraints and opportunities that sport organisations face and the innovative solutions they have adopted or planned to meet stakeholder and participant needs.
- athlete welfare and responsibility (e.g. the impact on mental health, protecting athletes when playing resumes).
- lockdowns and personal physical activity and identity, health and well-being, and social connectedness.
- volunteers, communities, and the social capital connected to sport.
- athlete remuneration and contracts.
- the financing of sport.
- how sports sectors have changed/will have to change (what is and will be the new normal?).
Those wishing to contribute should visit HERE and follow the submission guidelines. The deadline for entries is Monday 31st August 2020.