When taking part in physical activity it’s important to take sensible measures to maintain good hygiene.
Good hygiene practice, by both organisations and individuals, helps ensure that everybody involved in sport and physical activity stays fit and well enough to take part, be it through participating, coaching or officiating.
Likewise, good hygiene is of equal importance for everybody involved in maintaining and working on courts, pitches and sports facilities.
Sport England, in conjunction with Public Health England, NCSEM Sheffield and the Centre for Sport and Exercise Science at Sheffield Hallam University, has developed guidance and advice to maintain good levels of hygiene when involved in sport and physical activity.
This guidance is backed by numerous national governing bodies, including those for football, both codes of rugby, hockey, the Premier League and the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport.
Local partners and facility operators should consider the guidance and communicate the clear and simple messages widely, and regularly, through social media channels and by displaying them at facilities.